Reception (Pre-K)

Students who are 4 years old by October 30th of the new academic year.

Children in Preschool (Reception or Pre-K) have growing independence and confidence because they acquire a more sophisticated language to express themselves. They become better at sound discrimination making them ready to read c-v-c words, spell and even understand the meaning of the words. They begin to talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, weight, speed and measurement and ask unending ‘hows’ and ‘whys’.

These inquiring minds are bases for a more formal academics of Literacy, Mathematics, Knowledge and Understanding the World. We nurture all-round development, drawing out the best in them while embedding a love of learning through a combination of one-to-one structured teaching instruction and teacher-initiated, child-led play.


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum

We aim to develop the children’s academic understanding, as well as, understanding of themselves as individuals. For this reason, we focus on nurturing the ‘whole child’ including their personal, social, emotional, physical and creative development.

We facilitate the children’s learning through direct experience and meaningful, multisensory play; adult-led or adult-initiated and oftentimes child-led. We also have structured one-on-one or small group learning activities with the lead teacher such as Phonics in Reading and Mathematics. This approach is based on the Seven Learning Areas of the EYFS British Curriculum.

7 Learning Areas

  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Reception Development Statements

Here are the development statements for Preschool or Reception based on Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework adapted by Wesley Primrose to appropriately fit to Filipino children. Please note that this should only be used as a guide and not as a checklist. In Pre School classes, children are put in an enabling environment with open-ended resources and play, combined with structured teaching-learning approach centered on the following seven learning areas:

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

  • express friendly behaviour, good relationships with peers and familiar adults
  • interact with other children confidently during play and group activities and communicate freely about their home and community
  • often adjust their behaviour to changes in routine and social situations.

Physical Development

  • practise fine motor skills such as clay constructing, nipping, pencil tripod grip
  • often show dexterity in movement by negotiating space, speed or direction to keep oneself away from stumbling blocks
  • observe the effects of activity on their bodies
  • show understanding of the proper handling of tools for safety.

Communication and Language

  • listen to stories and talk about the principal characters and recall the story’s events and favourite scenes
  • enjoy books in the classroom and in the library
  • begin to understand and answer ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions about the events that happen at home or at school
  • begin to speak in complete sentences to express their thoughts and ideas


  • segment the sounds in c-v-c words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them
  • begin to write their name and spell some c-v-c words and understand the meaning of the word
  • give meaning to marks as they draw and paint


  • use and match some numerals, number names and quantity correctly
  • begin to compare two sets of objects
  • add and subtract up to two-digit number without regrouping
  • use positional language such as beneath, behind, through, above, between, etc.
  • compare shapes, colours, sizes, weight, distance, time and speed

Knowledge and Understanding the World

  • recognise and describe special times or events for family or friends
  • talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects; it’s growth and changes over time

Expressive Arts and Design

  • show rhythmic movements and begin kinaesthetic awareness of their body
  • explore and experiment textures, colours, designs, arts, music, movement and imaginative role-play to express themselves


We are available to answer any questions about our Pre School (Reception) curriculum or discuss your child’s specific development needs at this stage.